
Audiobook Corporate External Locus of Control by Seth Underwood

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The free reading of a short story set in a distant future where a woman has lived three different lives as a “profit puppet” for a corporation.

The title hints at the problem with the use of the phrase “external locus of control.” A psychological term referring to people who believe external forces that control their lives.

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Seth Underwood is an author living outside of Washington, DC and writes speculative fiction usually dealing with androids, the future and angels. He suffers from chronic migraines and uses video games to help with them.

Seth Underwood Contacts and Follows-


Rosella Tolfree Website- https://www.rosellatolfree.com/
Twitter- https://twitter.com/SethUnderwood56
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/seth.underwood.stories/
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/seth.underwood/
Amazon Author Page- https://amazon.com/author/sethunderwood
Goodreads– https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17358961.Seth_Underwood
Medium- https://sethunderwood56.medium.com/

#audibook_full_length, #audiobook_scifi, #audiobook_free
