Audiobook Reading of Maddix Comes of Age- The Sociable Event of the Senda Colony by Seth Underwood

Audiobook Reading of Maddix Comes of Age- The Sociable Event of the Senda Colony by Seth Underwood

This is the audiovid of short story Maddix Comes of Age- The Sociable Event of the Senda Colony by Seth Underwood.

Originally published November 29, 2019 on https://www.sethunderwoodstories.com/p/maddix-comes-of-age.html

Also published on Medium at https://medium.com/@seth.underwood.56/maddix-comes-of-age-d30a8e08a6ab?source=friends_link&sk=0eace9837544f3659613cc2a7a45a6c9

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Seth Underwood is an author living outside of Washington, DC and writes speculative fiction usually dealing with androids, the future and angels. He suffers from chronic migraines and uses Warframe to help with them.

Seth Underwood Contacts and Follows-


Rosella Tolfree Website- https://www.rosellatolfree.com/
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Medium- https://medium.com/@seth.underwood.56

#audiobook_full_length, #audiobook_scifi, #audiobook_free